Harden Branch of the CWA – Country Women’s Association of NSW

The Harden branch of the Country Women’s Association of NSW has been in existence since its formation on 20 February 1945.  By 1951 the current rooms at 116 Neill Street, Harden were opened, with the foundation stone having been laid by former State President, Mrs Garry.

The CWA is a community group for country women of New South Wales and has a strong voice to Government, both at a State and Federal level.  It is committed to driving positive change through a strategic and impactful policy advocacy approach.  CWA branches around the State are encouraged to support advocacy priorities and play a vital role in driving change where it matters most.

Areas of particular concern to the CWA are centred around agricultural, environmental and social issues and each year various areas are prioritised for advocacy focus.  This year some areas of focus have been housing and homelessness, rural bank closures and birth trauma.

The Harden branch meets on the second Monday of the month at 2pm but is also open on a Friday and Saturday between the hours of 9am and 1pm during school terms.  The branch has a craft co-op shop where members sell home-made cakes, slices, jams and the like.  Our cooking members have completed their mandatory food handling accreditation training.  Our members also make lots of lovely items to sell including knitted, crocheted and embroidered items such as beanies, scarves, cardigans and the like.

New members are always welcome to come along to our monthly meetings to see what your local CWA branch is all about.  More information can be found on the CWA website – https://www.cwaofnsw.org.au/


Contact Information
116 Neill Street, Harden NSW, Australia, Harden
Phone: 0407920585
Features: Community group, home made craft and cooking, the hall is available to hire for functions
Monday: Meeting - Second Monday of each Month at 2pm
Friday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Craft & Cake Shop Open During School Terms
Saturday: 9.00am – 1.00pm Craft & Cake Shop Open During School Terms